Motherhood, Earned.

(Referencing- Ruth 1:1-18 Mark 3:31-35)

There are many titles given to people everyday, yet only a select few are EARNED. one to which is the title of ‘mother‘. The term mother as it is referenced in the Word of God means “source of something“; when a person is born into this world, he or she seeks a source of love, care, nurturing, and provision to his or her needs and the mother becomes that source. This is accomplished not just by what is done, but the intentions placed behind each action. When love is the intention behind the action it is then Divinely enhanced, thus establishing a bond that cannot be erased, altered or replaced.

Ruth made a decision to stay with Naomi because of the bond that they established. Even though Ruth had a mother of her own, she was shown something so profound that it made her decide to stay with Naomi until death claimed her. Naomi was her source of love; she earned the title of mother in Ruth’s life.

In the book of Mark, chapter 3, Jesus confirms this truth of earning the title of mother as He states that those who do the Will of The Father are his mother, father, sister, brother, etc… and what is the Will of God? To love one another in deed and truth (1st John 3:18)

To all women, whether you be a birth mother or otherwise who have shown others love through action or sacrifice, know that you are blessed beyond measure; even if your love isn’t acknowledged by the person, know that the Heavenly Father is glorified by it, so continue to be the source of something wonderful And Divinely everlasting in all of our lives.

May the Lord God bless and keep you always.

The perils of rejoicing in the pain of others

Many people in this age delight in violence, especially when it is focused on others; strangers and those involved in their lives are both subject to the watching, mocking and instigation of pain and suffering of those around them. Social media has tagged on to this foolishness in a great way be making it easier and easier to share videos of violent acts from all types of individuals for the sake of a laugh, and ‘like’. What amazes me about this is that those who do this are just as likely to have it done unto them, yet they show no care of this fact… until it happens to them. then they want to yell FOUL, or talk of INJUSTICE. The hypocrisy is steadily growing among the people of God and yet the enemy continues to capitalize off of our ignorance.

I encourage all that read to boycott this because it is nothing but fuel for the enemy’s ultimate goal.

Referencing Obadiah 1:11-15.

What is given, can be taken

We must never forget where our lives and all the possessions we take for granted in our lives come from. By the grace of God we are provided for, yet sometimes we can forget and slip into the ‘it was my will and my skill’ way of thinking real quickly, especially when our egos are fed by the world.

Many of us have prayed for things to come into our lives, or change in our lives, and once God provides, we, a first, will thank God for blessing us. As time goes on, and what we asked for starts to benefit us, or increase for the better, we can get caught up in the feeling of accomplishment, especially when the results begin to show to others. In time, if not careful, we have convinced ourselves that we are in control of the outcome and even boast of our magnificence, only to ultimately be stripped of all that we believed to be of our making.

Remember, our lives are gifts, not privileges, and never to be confused with being deserved or earned, thus it is imperative that we keep in the FRONT OF OUR MINDS that it was not OUR will, but God’s.

Referencing Deuteronomy 8:11-20

The unearned ‘gift’

The saying ‘what’s worth having is worth working for’ is how we usually validate the value of what we desire. The thought of giving something freely, is in so many cases, unacceptable to the majority of us, because we have been taught that if is not worked for, it is not worth anything.

As parents, we give gifts to our children, only to usually watch them show little to no regard to the gift, yet the same child will cherish that thing he or she earned. This is something that we take with us through our lives… we use this in every aspect of our lives, ESPECIALLY love. Many have been emotionally scarred because of the given not earned concept of love… I gave them my love and they threw it away. Why? because they did not do anything to EARN it. This example connects with the Word of God in that we are spiritually spoiled and rarely appreciate what God gives to us everyday, and what Christ gave to us many, many years ago. Not counting the events that lead to is crucifixion; the beatings, ridicule, mocking, disrespect and desertion of those who vowed to be by Christ side through it all… all of this so that we would have life, yet what do we do with the gift? many of us take the blood shed for our transgressions, and spit it right back in God’s face.

The point is to appreciate the gifts of God. Appreciate the sacrifice of life so that we ALL could continue to live, and always be reminded that this gift, honestly could NEVER BE EARNED.

Referencing John 3:16-17

From BluNote Ministries Music- Titled, ‘More Than Once’

This song, to me, many can relate to. It signifies our weaknesses in our spiritual journey by facing the fact that some of our fallings and failings have not just happened once, but many times. It doesn’t signify that God has left us, it usually means that we have fallen into the trap that the enemy sets that fools us into thinking that we are on our own; so we then try, and try and try and try, to no avail. Our best option? Seek God… even it is more than once.

This video is owned exclusively by BluNote Ministries Music. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

From BluNote Ministries Music- I Need Thee Every Hour

Originally written by Annie Hawks and Robert Lowry in 1872… I wanted to share my rendition of a song that walked with me through the darkest times of my life and testifies to my need for God at all times. I hope you enjoy it.

The musical derivative of this video is property of BluNote Ministries Music.

Expanding Our Spiritual Vocabulary – SOLIPSISM

The word is solipsism. Pronounced /ˈsälipˌsizəm/. This word is a noun and is defined as

The view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

(Adjective: SOLIPSISTIC)
Used in a sentence: With the advancement of technology, science and innovation that has been further influenced by the SOLIPSISTIC viewpoint of man’s place in the universe, it has caused many to further distance themselves from God, Christ and the gift of salvation.

Thought for the Day- The Universal Occupation

crazy-little-thing-called-fun-3The occupation of FOOL is one that is easiest to master; ironically, for it requires no degree nor other educational achievement, it is free for all to pursue, has many levels of advancement, un biased to previous educational background, gender, sexual preference, color, demographic, religious affiliation, political standing, culture or creed, and can be learned from the youngest of ages and kept throughout ones life.

I believe this is why SO MANY PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD have pursued this as a life-long career choice.

(Ecclesiastes ch.10:v.2, Proverbs ch.18:v.2)