Expanding Our Spiritual Vocabulary – SOLIPSISM

The word is solipsism. Pronounced /ˈsälipˌsizəm/. This word is a noun and is defined as

The view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

(Adjective: SOLIPSISTIC)
Used in a sentence: With the advancement of technology, science and innovation that has been further influenced by the SOLIPSISTIC viewpoint of man’s place in the universe, it has caused many to further distance themselves from God, Christ and the gift of salvation.

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- inutile

The word is inutile. Pronounced /in-YOO-til/. This word is an adjective and is defined as, 

Of no use nor purpose

Used in a sentence: Mans volatile pride compels him to seek power, which is the most sought after yet inutile  goal one can attempt to achieve.

(Psalms ch.10: vs. 4-12)

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary – WINNOW

The word is winnow. Pronounced /win-no/. This word is a verb and is defined as

To remove something that is undesirable.

Used in a sentence: When we further our relationship with God, the need to winnow our unproductive and weighted thoughts and actions are easier to perform and accept as a positive loss.

(2nd Corinthians ch. 5: v. 17)

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- raze

The word is raze. Pronounced /reyz/. This word is a verb and is defined as

To tear down; demolish.

Used in a sentence: This world seeks justice in destruction as the people foolishly raze their towns, businesses and cities to find it, yet fail to seek God for the fairness that is so desired.

(Exodus ch.14:v.13) and (Proverbs ch.14:v.1)

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- euthenics

The word is euthenics. Pronounced /yoo-THEN-iks/. This word is a noun and is defined as

A science concerned with bettering the condition of human beings through the improvement of their environment.

Used in a sentence: The quest for spiritual harmony can only be accomplished with God’s guidance coupled with an immersion in Divine euthenics.

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- indelible

The word is indelible. Pronounced \in-DEL-uh-buhl\. the word is an adjective and is defined as

…that cannot be eliminated, erased, forgotten, changed, or the like

. Used in a sentence: Throughout time, we have enjoyed the love of Christ because of the indelible nature of His love for us in spite of us.

(John ch.15:v.13)

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- abecedarian

The word is abecedarian. Pronounced \ey-bee-see-DAIR-ee-uhn\. This word can be used as either a noun or an adjective and is defined as

A beginner in any field of learning.

Used in sentences: Many people on an abecedarian path towards an active relationship with Spirit can be easily fascinated by the understanding shown by others who feel their knowledge of God is extensive. However, those looked upon as scholarly when it comes to the interminable possibilities of God, are just as abecedarian as those they attempt to impress.

(1st Corinthians ch.1:v.25)

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- anagnorisis and peripeteia

We are going to define two words this time. The first is anagnorisis and the second is peripeteia.
They are pronounced \an-ag-NAWR-uh-sis\ and \peripəˈtēə\.
Both are nouns, and are defined as

The critical moment of recognition or discovery, especially preceding peripeteia. (Anagnorisis)


A sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances. (Peripeteia)

Used in a sentence: It is only for many of us faced with an overwhelming peripeteia that causes the anagnorisis of our lack of control over life and the attempts to regain control prove futile and pointless that will eventually turn to God for answers or relief.

(Psalms ch.78: v.8), (Proverbs ch.3:vs.5-7), (Lamentations ch.3: v. 22)

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- passe-partout

The word is passe-partout. Pronounced \pas-pahr-TOO\. This word is a noun and is defined as

Something that passes everywhere or provides a universal means of passage; a master key.

Used in a sentence: Christ gave us instruction to the only passe-partout that would allow us all to gain access to The Heavenly Father.

(John ch.14:vs.6-7)

Expanding our spiritual vocabulary- panacea

The word is panacea. Pronounced \pan-uh-SEE-uh\. This word is a noun and is defined as

An answer or solution for all problems or difficulties.

Used in a sentence: Those of us that seek an answer to the problems and issues that befall us in life need not travel far, for the panacea that provides us with all these things lies within prayer to Our Father in heaven.

(Matthew ch.21:v.22), (Acts ch.6:v.4), (Philippians ch.1:vs 4,19 and ch.4:v.6), (James ch.5:16)